MY STORY OF SURVIVAL – How to avoid stress and have a balanced day?
How to have a balanced day?
All of us have twenty-four hours in a day. A busy Mum may not have as many choices with regards to how she divides up her day, compared to director of a large firm. But to some extent we all have choices.
The main thing to keep in mind is to balance the hours of work with sleep and the hours of chores with fun.
When I was younger I slept for nine hours every night without waking once.
At some stage in my thirties, everything had become hard work and even scheduling in for time out with the children had become a chore and hard work. All I ever wanted to do was catch up on sleep.
Looking back now, I can see that I did not sleep properly for years and years. I would only catch little naps here and there in between breast feeding and taking care of the household and later on the clinics also. Sleep was a luxury which I felt that i couldn’t afford.
I was so severely sleep deprived that i had rats crawling over me at night… or so I thought. The registrar at the hospital labelled these experiences ‘hallucinations due to severe sleep deprivation.”
Ariana Huffington from the Huffington Post would probably have some idea of what I’m talking about. One day, she fell asleep on her desk from exhaustion and broke one of her cheek bones. She is now an ardent advocate for people living balanced lives with enough sleep factored in as mentioned in her book ,”Thrive; The Third Metric to Redefining Success and Creating a Happier Life.”
To be able to thrive, it is a good idea to start off by figuring out how many hours sleep we need per night. Most people need between seven and nine hours sleep each night to function optimally throughout the day. All of my elderly friends in their eighties and nineties  sleep nine or more hours a day.
Once you figure out how many hours sleep you need, you can add to this the amount of hours you work each day. When you subtract the sum total of work and sleep hours, from the 24, you’re left with the amount of hours available for chores and fun or leisure time.
How to divide up your day?
So how should you divide up your day? That’s up to you to decide. I am giving you a template that I try to live by and I am still convalescing. So what do the eight hours work a day mean for me? These are the hours where I do my exercises, thank you Geoff Dakin! and tell my body to unlearn bad habits and incorporate more beneficial habits from now on. I see local therapists who also help me get back on my feet. During my eight ‘work’ hours I work on creating a life that is more wholesome and BALANCED than the life I previously led and which got me into trouble. I read up on how to handle my stresses and closely monitor my diet to grow back strong muscles and bones and organs. It’s hard work but I’m loving every moment of it.
The purpose of dividing up your day
When I was in my twenties I worked really hard. See a pattern here? I worked so hard that when I came home from work I was so exhausted that after dinner I would fall straight asleep. I did this for a period of around seven years. I would leave for work at seven in the morning to beat the peak hour traffic and return at around 6 o’clock at night. By the time I had eaten dinner I often would be asleep before the washing of the dishes.
One day I came across an article that said, ‘We all have the same amount of hours in a day.’ I thought about that for a little while and wrote down on a serviette what I did with my days. It looked something like this.
Work and travel added up to 11 hours and sleep added up to 9.5 hours and eating and showering added up to around two hours per day.
I had been doing this for SEVEN years and then I decided that I wanted more out of life and carved out a two hour slot each day where I would practice writing. Every day I started to look forward to my writing exercises. I signed up to a course to study writing and straight after dinner I would sit for two hours studying my ‘Traveling Journalist’Â course. Funny enough I managed to stay up for this and once I went to sleep I wouldn’t feel as exhausted as I used to, prior to studying Travel Journalism.
This episode in my life taught me an important lesson. Dividing up my day and figuring out where my time went was really useful to me. It showed me what was possible and where I could factor in some joy and fun.
It is REALLY important to factor some fun and joy and educational time into your day. Doing the course made me feel alive and everything else seemed easier because of it. Don’t get me wrong, I loved my day job and I loved my husband and overall this was a good period in my life. But much as I loved my job, it was very demanding with long hours due to the daily commute.
Years later, when I became pregnant with my eldest, I learned another important life lesson and that is, that sleep is REALLY important too.
It’s all about balance
Michael Hyatt, one of my mentors, has designed an ideal week template which I highly recommend. You can check it out here.
For me, leading a fulfilling life is all about getting the balance right. Keep everything in balance!  Love to hear how you do that.
ABOUT THE CONTENT – All content on this website is copyrighted and you can read more about this here. Please also read the disclaimer about my authority and qualifications. Occasionally I partner with people because I like their products and you can read about that here.
ABOUT SCRIPTURE CARDS – If you want to send free Scripture Cards to your friends click here and you want to buy hard copies of Scripture Cards you can click here.
MY BOOKS AND A FREE VIDEO COURSE – To download a copy of MY STORY OF SURVIVAL click here. For a copy of MIMI’S BOOK LAUNCH PLAN, click here. For a copy of GOD HEALED ME click here. For a free video course on how to write a bestseller, click here.
NEW BOOKS RELEASES, INTERVIEWS, AND REVIEWS – As a member of the Australian Christian Readers Blog Alliance and as a member of the Christian Indie Authors Reading Group and as the current Administrator of  Christian Authors Worldwide, This is FUN! Mimi’s Launch Party and co-administrator of OMEGA nonfiction writers I share new book releases, interviews and reviews with my readers. Stay tuned!
About my mentors
If it weren’t for my mentors I would not have been able to publish 3 books successfully in a period of just over five months.
Michael Hyatt and Chandler Bolt are two of my favourite mentors but I have plenty more such as John Kremer, Penny Sansevieri, Tim Grahl, Tom Morkes, David Chesson and Paul Brodie, just to name a few. This is a big THANK YOU to them all for their support, inspiration and freely shared knowledge. Some of my mentors will be speaking at the next Self-Publishing Success Summit.
Self-Publishing Success Summit
This is super exciting! Another Self-Publishing Success Summit has been organised. Last year’s Summit was a huge success. More than 30,000 people took action and thousands of them have gone on to WRITE THEIR FIRST BOOK!
At these Summits we learn from the very best in the industry how to write, market and publish our first book.
This will be the biggest online Publishing Event of the year JUNE 12 -22, 2016.
What is the Self-Publishing Success Summit?
The Self-Publishing Success Summit was created in order to give all writers the complete skill sets to create massive opportunities for themselves. The Summit teaches aspiring and seasoned authors alike how to navigate the pitfalls of the publishing landscape.
During this virtual Summit, some of the top self-published and traditionally published authors impart their knowledge and business secrets to writers at all levels. Why do they want to do this and help with this passion project? Because they’ve once walked in our shoes.
Writing can be very intimidating. Even those who love to write worry about taking the leap into publishing. Many never actually publish their finished work. Why is this?
Traditional publishing is a tough nut to crack, there’s no guarantee that even the most well-written, fascinating book will break through and score a publishing deal. There’s always self-publishing, right? This is true. Self-publishing is available to everyone, but requires a fair amount of skill and knowledge to hit that elusive best seller li
I know that Chandler Bolt will be at this year’s Summit (he organised it) and Michael Hyatt, that’s already two of my favourite people. As well as  Scrivener Coach Joseph Michael, Joanna Penn, Gary Vaynerchuk, Pat Flynn, Anik Singal, Jeff Walker, Barbara Corcoran,  and another 30-odd speakers. They’ll all be sharing their expertise with us for FREE. You’d be crazy to miss this!
Click here for your FREE access pass.
Click here for your FREE access pass. This’ll be FUN!!
This is an invite for you to join the summit for FREE and listen to 40 Â well-established and accomplished speakers. Looking forward to seeing you there!
Click here to get your FREE ticket now.
Click here to get FREE video training blank page to bestseller in 90 days.
Identifying goals.
How to identify my mission and vision? I know what I enjoy doing most but I hadn’t quite figured out how to convert that into a well paying gig. At the end of 2013 I stumbled across Michael Hyatt’s goal setting workshop, signed up for it and one thing let to another and before I knew it I was googling and signing up for a stack of free newsletters and downloads from a whole hosts of internet gurus, life style coaches and the like. I never even knew they existed. As they say, we learn something new every day.
Anyway, one sounded better than the other and for a few weeks I was immersed in reading their blogs and promises and course materials and freebies and learned much in the process about identifying what my life is all about, what I want to make of it and where I want to take it.
Very grateful.
This makes me very grateful to each and every person that helped me in the last few months to get more clarity about my life. There are some good people out there. In case you are looking for a life coach or where to take your business next and how to increase your profits and live up to your best potential I’ll tell you about the people I met on my travels as soon as I get the category ‘internet buddies’ up and running.
I am not affiliated with any of them in any way other than that I signed up to Michael Hyatt’s Best Year Ever goal setting workshop and am reaping the benefits of this every single day. I also signed up to another of Michael’s courses but haven’t opened any of these files yet. I have been too busy checking out the competition and signing up to some of their news letters and freebie courses. What links all these people is their motivation and desire to help others live up to their best potential and increase their profits.
A big hug and thank you to all of my internet buddies for providing so much valuable information for free.
You have all helped me realise what kind of profit I am after.
After reading through a tiny tidbit of the information out there I realised that I have no time for any of that marketing stuff at this stage because it is not where my heart is at. Yes my aim is to recover my health, be debt free and financially independent but I am not sure how much I’ll be able to follow any of what these wonderful people are teaching because my heart is after a a different kind of profit.
The kind of profit prophet that I am after.
The kind of prophet I am after has the Words of eternal life. His name is Jesus and He is the prophet that I am following and I cannot wait to share with you what he has to say about Living For Ever.
The other profits will simply have to wait.
all rights reserved copyright myemmanuel 2014