
Jewish people are excellent record keepers

Jewish people are excellent record keepers. In fact there is not a nation comparable when it comes to chronicling the history of a people. The bible or TORAH as the Jewish people call it, is this history book. The bible records in minute detail the birth of the Jewish nation within a certain time frame and contains in depth documentation of the genealogy of the Jewish nation. If you don’t believe me check out the Books of Numbers in the bible which lists endless names and lineage of the Jewish people.

Why does any of this matter in the context of living for ever?

I tell you why this matters. It matters because within the first few chapters of the bible we are told why no-one automatically receives eternal life. The bible is the only history book on the planet earth which explains how this happened.

It was not always so. In the days of the garden of Eden, both Adam and Eve took living in paradise for granted as if it were their birth right. When they refused to obey God however they were thrown out of the garden of Eden, so that they would not automatically live for ever. From this we can see, that eternal life is not for free. There is a price. What price? The price is obedience. You have to follow what God commands you to do.

Church heaven

If your church tells you that all you have to do is believe and have faith .. I’m telling them to pull the other one. Maybe you’ll go to church heaven if you follow their doctrine. If you like your church buddies you’re already living in paradise and all is good.

If you’re like me however, and the church threw you out because you decided to follow the bible and refused to sign up for church doctrine, then simple faith on its own won’t get you there. Not according to my bible.

Sorry to be the one to burst your bubble. But I think that eternal life is not something to be mucking around about. It is something I take seriously.

Noah’s Ark

Adam and Eve and Joshua and Caleb aren’t the only people showing us where obedience or disobedience gets us.

The majority of American people believe that Noah’s ark is a true story and literally happened. And up to nearly a third of non-believers agree with those sentiments. What about Noah? Noah also taught us that GOD loves obedient people.

At some stage early on in our history humanity had so lost the plot that GOD decided to destroy his creation altogether. It was only because of Noah that he decided to keep a handful to try again. Eight people were saved because of Noah’s obedience to GOD. The rest of humanity was wiped out because of their disobedience.

GOD loves the obedient

When people say that GOD loves us all no matter what … nah, not according to the bible I’m reading. God loves his obedient children and He patiently waits for the disobedient to (re)turn to Him. From reading His Word as well as personal experience I know that he continuously nudges us in the right direction. But if people don’t want to play by the rules … eventually, He’ll pull the plug.

That is what the bible tells us according to Adam and Eve, Noah and his family and Joshua and Caleb.


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