The Holy Grail of Book Publishing: All your questions answered – 3 Volume set – A bestselling author’s complete manual to self-publishing and marketing your book

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How to become a Bestselling author effortlessly
THREE Volumes in ONE! No more worries about how to market, publish and promote your book successfully.
What does it mean to become a #1 Bestselling author on Amazon?
It means that you are the one that sells the most books on Amazon in your chosen categories and your book will receive a pretty orange bestselling banner. Your friends will now introduce you as their ‘bestselling author friend.’
That’s pretty cool!
Which steps to take to become a Bestselling author on Amazon?
- Write the best possible book and give your audience awesome value.
- Follow Mimi’s mini tutorials to maximise the popularity of your book effortlessly.
- Create the most appealing cover.
- Choose a descriptive title and subtitle.
- Use appropriate keywords.
- Choose your categories carefully.
- Organise a support team.
- Find the right audience to present your book to.
- Book the most effective promotions at the right time.
How to get started on this?
You can start by reading just 37 pages (pages 15 to 52 in the paper copy) and do what Mimi did in her TEN-STEP-MARKETING-PLAN.
Skyrocket your success as an author
Your story is your legacy, let’s make it the best it can be!
The Holy Grail of Book Launching contains the minimum steps necessary to PUBLISH A BOOK SUCCESSFULLY ON AMAZON. No fluff and most steps will apply to most platforms or can be adjusted as such.
Each and every step is explained in minute detail in The Holy Grail of Book Launching.
All, yes A L L, will be explained with a multitude of mini-tutorials which quickly in an easy-peasy way explain how to write your very own BESTSELLER.
If you want to be a BESTSELLING AUTHOR this will be the best purchase you can make, without a doubt.
Three Volumes for the price of One!
Three Volumes for the price of One in which the author, who has written multiple bestsellers, shares all her secrets.
Mimi credits her mentors in the book and thanks Jenny Wagner, Grace Chapman, Michael Hyatt, Chandler Bolt, John Kremer, Tom Morkes, Penny Sansevieri, Paul Brodie, Dave Chesson, Tim Grahl, Barry Watson, Ocean Reeve for their support.
As a bonus, the book includes many secrets from her bestselling author friends such as Joanna Jast, Kathryn Jones, Kylie Ansett, Nick Daniel, Davina Chessid, Rupert Colley, Brittany Barbera and Sally Miller.