Strategies for Business by the Bay
Mimi has been invited by Irene and Steve Pfister, from Strategies for Business by the Bay, to talk about her journey as an author and what it takes to write and publish a book.
Come along and join a bunch of like-minded entrepreneurs, startups and business owners on October 10 at Community 3 Cubed, Stockland Hervey Bay.
You can access Mimi’s notes for the talk here.
Everything Fraser Coast with Justine Linderberg
Justine chats with Mimi from Queensland, Australia, about her latest adventure which involves a high voltage recharge. You can listen to the interview here, and read Justine’s blog post here.
People of Purpose Podcast with Tanur Bradgley
Tanur Bradgley from People of Purpose Podcast in San Francisco, California, talks with Mimi on how to make our legacy the BEST it can be.
All listeners to this podcast will receive a free copy of Mimi’s latest book, ‘Be Careful What You Ask/Pray For; A Horse May Grant Your Wish…’ This book describes how Mimi broke her back in three places and why this may be a good thing.
Gabriela Casineanu from Toronto, Ontario, Canada
#1 Bestselling author Gabriela Casineanu, interviews Mimi from Toronto, Ontario in Canada. The first chapter in Gabriela’s book, Quiet Lessons For The Introvert’s Soul is dedicated to this interview. The (hidden?) talents of introverts are discussed as well as surprising differences between introverts and extroverts.
Indie Novelist Summit with Brian Berni
From Rome, Italy, Host Brian Berni presents ‘How to launch your book successfully on Amazon,‘ with Mimi. All attendees received a free copy of Mimi’s Toolbox.
Aspects of Writing Radio with James Kelly
Listen to Radio host James and Mimi discuss how ‘Your Story is Your Legacy’ from Las Vegas, US.
Get Published Podcast by Paul Brodie
In episode 9 of the Get Published Podcast, Host and 13-Time Bestselling Author Paul G. Brodie interviews Multi-time Bestselling Author, Mimi Emmanuel about her author journey. Click here to listen to the interview from Arlington, Texas.
Hervey Bay Library, Queensland Australia
How to become a best-selling author on Amazon. Mimi shared her experiences on Wednesday 8 November 2017 at Hervey Bay Library. Access the talk notes here.
Authorpreneur Mastermind Group
Shortly after launching Mimi’s Book Launch Plan, in March 2016, Mimi was asked to give a talk about the ins and outs of ‘Amazon Categories’ for a closed Facebook Mastermind Group.
The Money-Making Book Summit
You can check it out here. As a guest at Osayi Emokpaye’s Money-Making Book Virtual Summit from Toronto, Ontario, Mimi Presented on How to Launch your book in a fun way.
Business of Authorpreneurship
From overwhelm to step-by-step launch plan with Mimi Emmanuel as interviewed by Melinda Hammond from the Sunshine Coast in Queensland Australia. You can listen to the podcast here.
Authorpreneur Success Summit
Mimi Emmanuel interviews Paul Brodie for the first Authorpreneur Success Summit in 2016.
Paul talks about maximising revenue streams, publishing 7 books in the period of one year and how to go about that plus many more interesting things for authors and wannabees. Listen now.
12 Minute Convos with Engel Jones
Engel believes and lives the principle of Zig Ziglar where you can have everything in life if you help enough other people get what they want.As part of his project, Engel interviewed Mimi Emmanuel from Trinidad and Tobago; listen now.
Author Interviews with Ellen Appelgren
Ellen Appelgren from It’s Write Now is one of Mimi’s go-to people who knows how to create FUN launches. With every new book release, she puts Mimi on the spot for the entertainment of her readers. Click on the following links to read all about it; Interview for My Story of Survival, Mimi’s Book Launch Plan, God Healed Me, The Holy Grail of Book Launching and Live Your Best Life by Writing Your Own Eulogy.
Podcast with Ray Brehm
The Holy Grail Of Book Launching is one of Ray’s favorites, and he found the book a huge help when it came time to launch Author Your Success. He called it a must-read and “almanac on book launching.” You can find Ray Brehm from Phoenix, Arizona here.
Podcast with Linda Schoonover
Linda Schoonover talks with Mimi Emmanuel about Faith, Health, Book Publishing and Guardian Angels.
Interview with Ndeye Labadens
Ndeye Labadens‘ interview from London, England with Mimi gets to the bottom of how to skyrocket your success as an author. You can read the interview on Linkedin here.
Mimi’s Books Available for FREE
Every launch so far, Mimi’s books have been made available for a limited period of time for free. If you would like to be informed of Mimi’s new releases you can sign up here.
Free video on how to publish your own bestseller
I am very grateful to the Self Publishing School which helped me publish my books successfully. Check out this free video by Chandler Bolt on how to publish your own bestseller in three months.