May 26, 27 and 28, 2016 FREE DOWNLOAD
HE is good to me!!!
24 Healing Scripture Verses and Promises that helped me recover.
February 2016
Launched Mimi’s Book Launch Plan
I LOVE my launch team and, as promised, shared my Launch Pan with them. For good measure also published on Amazon with the cover as below.

January 2016
Preparing ‘God Healed Me‘ for release in May this year.
You can sign up here to receive a Advance Review Copy (ARC) and a free kindle when the book ‘God Healed Me’ launches.
December 15, 16 and 17, 2015
DOWNLOAD FOR FREE from AMAZON on 15, 16 and 17 December for the occasion of the launch my ebook ‘My Story of Survival.’
More customer reviews for My Story of Survival on AMAZON.
December, 2015
Like a Girl: An Anthology for PLAN, Supporting girl’s education
Available from Amazon. Fourteen Authors from around the world have contributed their stories to raise money for PLAN Australia.
‘Like a Girl’ is a celebration of the strength and resilience of women, told in a variety of genres and voices, the proceeds of which will help empower girls and women all over the world.
Featuring stories and poems by Jeanette O’Hagan, Avril Sabine, V. Hartman Di Santo, Kathryn Hagan, Mary Grace, Coralyn Swift, Christina Aitkin, Mark Taylor, D.L Richardson, Mimi Emmanuel, Erin Yoshikawa, Druscilla Morgan, Michelle John and Mirren Hogan.
December 15, 2015
Glimpses of Light
Glimpses of Light, stories and poems of imagination and hope.
I feel humbled that my story ‘Where are you from’ was included in this anthology. This book is available also from Amazon. Profits will be donated to an Australian Charity for The Blind.
During 2015, the International Year of Light, twenty-one authors from Australia and the United States have come together to explore the theme of ‘glimpses of light’—finding light in dark places—through short stories, poems, flash fiction and creative non-fiction. Glimpses of Light includes contributions from respected and award-winning authors and poets Jo-Anne Berthelsen, Paula Vince, Lynne Stringer, Adele Jones, Jo Wanmer, Jeanette Grant-Thomson and Ellen Carr, as well as exciting new talent.
November, 2015
The official reveal of the cover of the Anthology ‘Glimpses of Light.’
To be published at the end of the year in the International Year of Light 2015. Finding light in dark places … inspiring hope for a better future. Profits go to CBM Australia, giving sight to the blind.
The contributiors from Christian Writers Downunder members are:
Ben-Shachar Naomi Edwards (short story)
Faith of Birds Jeanette Grant-Thomson (creative non-fiction)
The Last Blood Moon Charis Joy Jackson (short story)
Night Turns to Day Jo Wanmer (poem)
Kaleidoscope Adele Jones (short story)
The Window Seat Ellen Carr (poem)
Ruhanna’s Flight Jeanette O’Hagan (short story)
Risk Jo Wanmer (flash fiction)
The Follower Nola Passmore (short story)
Moon People Paula Vince (creative non-fiction)
My Light, My Love Robyn Campbell (short story)
A Light From Heaven Mazzy Adams (poem)
From Darkness Lynne Stringer (short story)
The Prayer Ellen Carr (poem)
Where Are You From? Mimi Emmanuel (flash fiction)
A Dream Realised Anusha Atukorala (short story)
God’s Woollen Blanket Josephine-Anne Griffiths (poem)
Edward: On Going Alone Catriona McKeown (short story)
Beating Around the Bushel Bush Nola Passmore (flash fiction)
The Puzzle Robyn Campbell (poem)
A Light to My Path Adam Collings (short story)
The Temple Pamela Hemskeerk (poem)
The Journey Mazzy Adams (poem)
Stone Bearer Kirsten Hart (short story)
Sight Sue Jeffrey (poem)
Revelation Jo-Anne Berthelsen (creative non-fiction)
October, 2015
Launch party for ‘My Story of Survival.’
You can click here to join my launch party. I published my book My Story of Survival in April this year. But the book has undergone extensive edits. I’ve added in an extra Bonus Recovery diet, useful facts and oodles of faith. The official launch for the third edition will be in December 2015.
There are still some spaces free to join my launch party. For your efforts you can look over my shoulder as we launch and will receive a bucketful of FUN tips and a load of USEFUL tips for launching a book. All this will be included in my step by step launch plan which you’ll receive at the launch of my book.
September, 2015 –
Yom Kippur – Day of Atonement – All are invited to this Holy Feast!
When the Creator of Heaven and Earth invites me to one of his parties; I show up! Comments invited on BOOK YOM KIPPUR MANUSCRIPT which is based on Scriptural references. This Yom Kippur manuscript differs from the traditional Jewish or rabbinical or Christian interpretation because I’ve looked up and listed the references made in the Bible to the Day of Atonement. What the various traditions and denomenations have to say about any particular subject does not always correlate with God’s Holy word.
August 20, 2015 –
You can now visit Live Forever how-to at Pinterest!
Look for Mimi’s Original Scripture & Inspirational Card House.
August 20, 2015 –
Live Forever how-to is at Instagram!
You can visit Live Forever how-to at Instagram.
August 19, 2015 –
Mosaic House Catalogue August 2015
We offer fabulous resources for pastors and ministries and all believers. For an overview of what is on offer have a look at our catalogue which also tells you a little bit about my history.
August 1, 2015 –
Unusual amount of earthquakes and tremors in Wide Bay Queensland over the last few days.
What if?
July 31, 2015 –
published my free e-book ‘What if?’
This book gives the reader a taste of what Blaise Pascal, a seventh-century philosopher, thought about religion. We look at what could be at stake by ‘believing’ versus ‘not believing.’ Feel free to share this book around.
Get your free download of my ‘What if?’ book by clicking here.
Live Forever how-to Newsletter
June 24, 2015 –
Launch of our Live Forever how-to Newsletter.
The world’s best newsletter with never ending good news. This Newsletter has been designed especially for all my Live Forever Friends. Sign up to receive your copy which comes with a free Scripture Graphic to share around and/or print up to keep close to you, or give away. I’ll share how each Scripture Verse has affected me in my life and other than Biblical Good News I’ll also share some Good News from my wordly friends.
What is Love?
according to the prophets
May 22, 2015 –
Our Team created the ‘What is Love?’ video.
What is Love according to the prophets? God’s Word is a message of love which has been set to the tune of ‘Moments in Love’ by Art of Noise. The music is courtesy of Art of Noise and the Scripture Verses selected for this video are from the Prophet Moses, Jesus and his Apostle John. This is one of my pet projects; to get The Word out there … what love is all about.
My Story of Survival
April 24, 2015 –
I published my free e-book, ‘A Story of Survival.’
This book outlines how, for the last five years I lived on ten ingredients only, for breakfast, lunch and dinner, every day. This book may be useful for people with gut problems and food intolerances and allergies. This book also sheds some light on how my love for the Author of my favourite book, the Bible, developed.
To receive a FREE Kindle of my ebook when it officially launches, click here and you will be notified when you can download the Kindle for FREE.
Joy and Pleasure
March 24, 2015 –
Joy and Pleasure
The Scripture Verses on Joy and Pleasure were written by prophets such as Moses, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Malachi and King David and composed by me (Mimi).
God answered my prayers and every day has become a joy and a pleasure as I’m reading through the treasure trove of pearls in God’s Holy Word. I like to share these pearls of wisdom because they make such a positive difference in my life. I do not claim that this collection of verses says all the Bible has to say about Joy and Pleasure. Far from it. This booklet filled with Joy and Pleasure verses from the Bible is just a sample of what God has in store for those interested in His kind of pleasure. I strongly encourage readers of Joy and Pleasure to read the full story which is available from
The dedication for the Joy and Pleasure book is as follows; Blessed are ye that weep now; for ye shall laugh.
Get your free copy of the ‘Joy and Pleasure’ book by clicking here.
Free Scripture Cards
With a boom and a blast
Free Scripture Cards
February 14, 2015 –
We launched our Free Scripture Cards site.
Thank you Odesk freelancers for helping us get this site up and running! Free Scripture eCards with fabulous inspiring messages and blessings can be send through space to whosoever you choose. Enjoy!
February 15, 2015 – my world was rocked by a 5.2. earthquake in Queensland Australia.
My bed shook and I thought it was my heart, not wanting to worry my children I turned around and went back to sleep, as did they. Thankfully no casualties.
Mosaic House Gift shop
with a difference
Inspiring Gifts that keep on giving
February 16, 2015 –
We launched our Mosaic House site; a gift shop with a difference.
God’s Word heals and give life
It is God’s Word that heals and gives life and it is The Holy Word which inspired me to share with whoever is interested to claim their inheritance as a child of God.
Thank you Godaddy for hosting our lovely shop! We offer eye-candy Scripture Cards brimming with messages and promises of love, joy, healing, comfort, hope, guidance, prosperity and blessings. Opening special for limited period of time is 2 packs for the price of one. Enjoy!
February 19, 2015 –
two cyclones hit our state, Liam and Marcia, a category 3 and 5.
Media tells us about the highly unusual occurrence of two cyclones hitting our state at once with Marcia developing overnight from a category 1 into a category 5 cyclone. Thankfully no casualties.
So yes, our new websites were launched with a boom and a blast. Mosaic House has been more than a decade in the making and was launched amidst an earthquake and cyclones. Praise the Lord there were no casualties.
Live Forever how-to blog
June 2014 –
We launched my blog LiveForever how to, God made me laugh!
Prompted by various close calls and the passing of my favourite cousin, my blog ‘Live Forever how-to’ is launched with WordPress. Thank you WordPress!
On my blog we travel through the Bible and look at the verses relating to Eternal Life and how these promises and prophesies tie in and relate to each other.
We’ve already experimented with various banners and they can be viewed under the tag, ‘the birth of our new banner.’ Thank you to all designers and contributors!