I felt like Jonah

This is an amended post which originally was published in 2014.

Jonah goes to Nineveh

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Have you ever felt like Jonah? And no, I am not a prophetess. But as children of God, we know that our lives are not just about eating ice creams and sitting on the beach. Sure, we’ll indulge in that every now and then, but this is not what we’re aiming for in life. We’ve got stuff to do. Jesus told us… right?

Jonah is portrayed in the Bible as a reluctant prophet who hesitated when God told him to go and tell some people. He ran away from the job at hand, was swallowed by a whale, spat out and eventually did as he was told. This story ended well. You can read about it in the books of Jonah 1, 2, 3 and 4 in the Bible.

All of us, religious or not. We were born uniquely to do something. This could be to take care of our partner, the kids, the family, run a business, take care of Mum and Dad when the need arises, teach or heal the sick, cloth and feed the poor, comfort those who need this. Whatever it is for our unique situation, we know what it is we need to do.
Some people say that they cannot figure out what their special talent or calling in life is. If that is you, I wrote about how to find out what your mission is in earlier posts, here and here.

I am celebrating!

I’ve felt like Jonah. And now I don’t anymore because I did as I was told. So I’m celebrating!

Unlike Jonah who wished that he would die, I’m happy that I am able to share my story.

Around twelve years ago, I knew that I was supposed to tell my story. I knew that I had to write it down to give people an opportunity to reflect and think for themselves what they would like to do.

So I wrote it down, but like Jonah I was reluctant to share it. You know, I thought, ‘oh people won’t like it, they’ll disagree, they’ll this… and they’ll that…’ So I wrote my story down but I never advertised it so very few people ever found it. My story is only around 100 pages.
After I wrote my story down and half-assed the sharing part, (published but did not advertise) I experienced one calamity after another. Meanwhile, I participated in a number of anthologies and wrote book after book, like twelve of them, but never ‘that’ one. The one I was told to.

Then I was catapulted off a horse and could have died but I didn’t. This is when I knew that I couldn’t put it off any longer and had to share my story.

I thought to myself: Imagine me getting to the pearly gates and Peter saying, ‘Did you do as you were told?’ and I would have to shake my head and say, ‘Well, I used some of the talents I was given, but uh, uh, not for the purpose I was told.’

That would look bad. I mean that would look really bad.

I cringed thinking about it.

So I did as I was told. I found the cover which was created by a family member twelve years ago, and I located the manuscript, overcame endless hurdles to do with deleted files on computers and incompatibility between Word and Google docs and eventually gave the manuscript to my editor and published it. Now I’m celebrating because I can tick this one off the list. Yes!

Celebrate with me

This is your invitation to celebrate with me. I would love to hear your personal Jonah story.

Here is your invite to download a copy of my book The Image of The Beast VS Image of God and its Companion Reference Manual.

You can find the Companion Reference Manual on Amazon. This one is to be read after The Image of The Beast VS Image of God because it contains all the references I refer to.

If you want freebies visit https://mimiemmanuel.com/books.


– This post about Jonah was first posted on June 24 in 2014 and reposted here amended for the occasion of the launch of The Image of The Beast VS Image of God . –


ABOUT MIMI EMMANUEL – You can find me at www.mimiemmanuel.com and download freebies from https://mimiemmanuel.com/books and free tutorials for authors at https://mimiemmanuel.com/free-tutorials. For more books visit www.amazon.com/author/mimiemmanuel.

ABOUT THIS BLOG – We’re researching the truth of living forever according to GOD’s Holy Word; Sola Scripture. Popular opinion tells us that everyone who ‘believes’ and has ‘faith’ will go to heaven. Is this true? I decided to ask the prophets about the truth of it all.

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