Why Positive Thinking doesn’t work.
Below 8 short points why Positive Thinking doesn’t work.
Russell Bishop from the Huffington Post on why it doesn’t work. Lifehack give us 4 reasons why positive thinking doesn’t work. Laura Newcomer Senior Editor at Greatist on the subject. Mark Morgan Ford mentions a study by Julie Norem. None of these writers addresses the ‘faith factor.’ About the ‘believe’ factor. It is written men shall not live by bread alone. Perfect Peace.
Why Positive Thinking doesn’t work.
I make no secret of my love for the Word of GOD. Last week I wrote how my faith and reliance on the Word of God helped my family when we had to move house and weren’t able to find suitable accommodation. After praying and relying on the Word of God we received so much more than we ever imagined possible.
I like to share with you a little more about my history. I used to study Wicca, mythology, mysticism, various Eastern religions as well as every New Age practice under the sun, particularly the New Age positive thinking kind.
What I discovered is that positive thinking is the only way to go as long as this goes hand in hand with regular reality checks. But the crucial factor is that positive thinking on its own doesn’t work. Well it didn’t for me. Why doesn’t positive thinking on its own work? The following is what people in the know have to say about this.
Russell Bishop, author of ‘Workarounds that Work,’ wrote for the Huffington Post ‘Why Positive Thinking Just Doesn’t Work.’
Our friends at Lifehack give us 4 reasons why positive thinking doesn’t work and what to do instead.
Laura Newcomer Senior Editor at Greatist tells us that the trick is finding the balance between being optimistic and being realistic.
Mark Morgan Ford mentions a study by Julie Norem in her book The Positive Power of Negative Thinking.
All of these writers came to the same conclusion and that is that positive thinking on its own doesn’t work.
None of these writers address the faith factor.
Interestingly enough, none of the writers mentioned above address the faith factor. What it boiled down to for me in my life is that I discovered that many of the ‘New Age Thinking’ is as ancient as the earth but has been rehashed and regurgitated without the faith component. This may indeed work for some but it does not work for me.
About the ‘believe’ factor.
For instance the ‘believe’ factor is huge in New Age positive thinking and religious faiths alike. My book shelves were littered with dozens of how-to manuals telling me to ‘Believe and it will be so.’ Believe in what? Myself? That goes without saying doesn’t it? The universe? Believe in who or what?
What this kind of positive thinking is lacking is the support of HE Who is in Charge. If your objectives and endeavours aren’t blessed by our Creator you’re simply wasting your time. That is if you plan to ultimately end up in a good place.
Jesus says ‘Whatever you believe in your heart will be so.’ He says this to His followers, the people who believe in Him.
See, that’s the kind of instruction manual I can work with. Jesus says, follow me and then when our heart is being remodeled to do good for humanity as opposed to be self centered, we can ask Him for anything at all and the promise is that our Father will hear and respond.
How will our heart be remodeled? By following the prophet’s teachings and Jesus’ example, through prayer and by reading and applying the Holy Word.
It is written men shall not live by bread alone
It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.
True wisdom and knowledge is found in The Holy Word and without this, no amount of positive thinking will get you anywhere you want to go. Yes, it may do so for you in this lifetime and if that’s all you’re after, all is good in your hood. If you believe in an afterlife however, I doubt that positive thinking on its own will show you the way.
Wordly wealth is not that hard to obtain but if you’re after a different kinda profit prophet, you’ll find that just the positive thinking on its own is not going to cut it.
Perfect Peace
Why do we utilise the power of positive thinking and prayer? Because we’re either trying to get away from a situation we’re in, or we’re aiming to go to, or we’re trying to attract to ourselves a more desirable place or situation. On the odd occasion we may utilise prayer to give thanks for all our blessings. Ultimately we all want peace, love and happiness in our life and we’re either actively working to achieve that or actively working to get away from where we don’t want to be.
It is without a doubt that some people become hugely successful in life without having a faith of any kind.
When I say that positive thinking does not work, I’m am talking for myself here and for me no amount of positive thinking ever got me the result I was after. Relying on God’s Holy Word however, is a different ballgame altogether. It has taken the anxiety out of everything because ultimately I pray that in all things God’s will be done. That means that all is in good order in my life because He is in charge.
Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace,
whose mind is stayed on thee:
because he trusteth in thee.
I’d love you to share with me if positive thinking works for you and how.
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ABOUT THIS BLOG – We’re researching the truth of living forever according to GOD’s Holy Word; Sola Scripture. Popular opinion tells us that everyone who ‘believes’ and has ‘faith’ will go to heaven. Is this true? I decided to ask the prophets about the truth of it all.
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[…] told you how we prayed for a place we could afford and where pets are allowed. I mentioned also how New Age positive thinking doesn’t work for me because it lacks the faith component. In contrast I like the promises made in the Bible and by the […]
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[…] before I started reading God’s Word and relying on His promises my success rate was very much a hit and miss affair. I explained in an earlier post why positive thinking does not work for […]