Finding Hope in the Midst of Adversity
by Irene Bryant
What would you do if the doctors told you that you only have a few months to live? Would you believe them, give up hope, go home and die? OR, would you FIGHT for your LIFE? Would you declare over yourself, “I will not die, but live and declare the works of the LORD”? Psalm 118:17
Irene Bryant shares her remarkable story of healing from stage IV throat cancer in her personal account of what faith does to give us the will to live.
Are you facing a difficult life challenge and in need of encouragement and hope?
Other readers have said the following about “Finding Hope in the Midst of Adversity”.
“This book offers a practical Biblical guide to help you maneuver through many of life’s circumstances.” Rabbi Calev & Jan Goldberg, Beth Shechinah, Calgary, AB
“Finding Hope is a wonderful testimony to God’s wondrous love, his healing power and the peace he provides even in dire circumstances.” Adena Paget, RSVP Ministries
“If you need hope, love, encouragement or a new beginning in your life, let this story give you the confidence you need to ask and receive from the LORD who loves you” Pastor Stephen Coy, Creston, BC
Finding Hope in the Midst of Adversity is a book about overcoming struggle when the outcome seems bleak. When Irene Bryant is diagnosed with STAGE IV THROAT CANCER, she is devastated, but does not give up hope that her situation will change. Instead of facing cancer with fear and trepidation, Irene decides that whatever happens to her is a win-win, as in Philippians 1:21: “For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain.” This is one woman’s story of love, faith, courage and determination. Natalie Fuhr-Salvatore, Elation Press, Victoria, BC
Praise the LORD! Amen. Such a miraculous and wonderful story. I hear you sister. You are a brave woman. The secret is in placing your life in HIS Holy hands. It is there all along anyway. But not till we realise this, can we see and experience the blessings and miracles. Praise the LORD. Thank you for sharing Irene, you are a brave woman and a beautiful testimony.
Irene Bryant lives in Calgary, ab. she was healed of stage iv throat cancer in 2000, an experience that God has used to encourage and inspire others facing their own challenges. she has two children, one grandchild and two step-grandchildren. Irene conducts workshops on the Biblical perspective on healing, financial freedom and on Israel. she is a speaker for RSVPÂ ministries and is a member of the Canadian association of professional speakers.
“Finding Hope in the Midst of Adversity” can be downloaded from Amazon for free from Sunday, Oct. 30 to Tuesday, Nov. 1st in 2016.
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