Open Doors Open Hearts: Change Lives With Generosity, Love, and Compassion
Have you ever been caught between a rock and a hard place, just needing a helping hand from someone to get you through? Have you needed a place to stay, even if only for a short period of time? Have you experienced financial difficulty and wished for a few months with no rent payments due, so you could get back on your feet again?
In everyone’s life they experience times of need. At times throughout the life of author, Tina Pocernich, she has needed to rely on friends primarily within her church family to help her through events like her mother’s battle with cancer, and her escape from an unhealthy relationship. This led her to wonder “how do people pay it forward to those who are at their lowest, or even those who need just a little help?” Inspired by the instances she’d experienced, as well as the many examples she’d read throughout her Bible, she chose to reach out and touch the lives of those around her.
This is Tina’s story, and the story of those who have chosen to open their hearts and their homes. Join her in her journey from need to blessing others. Maybe you, too will be inspired to open your heart and home.
You can purchase a copy of Open Doors Open Hearts: Change Lives With Generosity, Love, and Compassion on Amazon.
ABOUT THE CONTENT – All content on this website is copyrighted and you can read more about this here. Please also read the disclaimer about my authority and qualifications. Occasionally I partner with people because I like their products and you can read about that here.
ABOUT SCRIPTURE CARDS – If you want to send free Scripture Cards to your friends click here and you want to buy hard copies of Scripture Cards you can click here.
MY BOOKS AND A FREE VIDEO COURSE – To download a copy of MY STORY OF SURVIVAL click here. For a copy of MIMI’S BOOK LAUNCH PLAN, click here. For a copy of GOD HEALED ME click here. For a copy of THE HOLY GRAIL OF BOOK LAUNCHING click here. For a free video course on how to write a bestseller, click here. To join my launch party click here.
NEW BOOKS RELEASES, INTERVIEWS, AND REVIEWS – As a member of the Australian Christian Readers Blog Alliance and as a member of the Christian Indie Authors Reading Group and as the current Administrator of Christian Authors Worldwide, This is FUN! Mimi’s Launch Party and co-administrator of OMEGA nonfiction writers I share new book releases, interviews and reviews with my readers. Stay tuned!
written by Jamie Mailhot
Become all that God created you to be and build a life that reaches your dreams!

Do you want to make the most of the one life God has given you?
Are you settling for just getting by when God has called you to so much more?
Your life doesn’t have to fall short of your dreams. You can build the life you’re proud to live!
Epic Christianity was written for those who don’t want to settle. It was written for the Christians who feel like God wants to do something great through their life. It was written for anyone who has ever had that thought in their head, “I was created for something… I have a purpose I need to fulfill.”
In Epic Christianity, author and life coach Jamie Mailhot will walk with you hand in hand through a proven process of self discovery and empowerment to help you build the life that you dream of living.
You will…
- Learn How to Unleash God’s Favor and Blessings in Your Life
- Discover Your Unique Purpose
- Clarify Your Goals and Priorities
- Build a Life and Plan that Focuses on What Truly Matters
Filled with personal and biblical insights and life principles, Epic Christianity is sure to open your heart and mind in a way that will cause you to never look at your life the same.
Don’t settle for a life that falls short of your dreams and your potential.
Start your 7-Day journey to build Your Epic Christian Life today!
Jamie Mailhot is a faith-filled Christian and dreamer always seeking future goals while living in and enjoying each moment. His passion and calling is to help Christians become all they can be, both individually and as the body of Christ. His greatest accomplishments include never giving up on his purpose and goals, building strong and healthy relationships with his wife and 3 kids, and organizing and developing the process found within Epic Christianity.
He has spent over a decade studying personal growth and success and over two decades as a growing Christian. The goal of his first book, Epic Christianity, was to write a book that combines the greatest principles of personal growth and success with the most important principles of Christianity found within the Bible. He wanted it to not just teach and inspire, but to also be a blueprint to empower the reader to move forward with the information, the actions, and the plans needed to succeed. Then make it simple enough for anyone to read and understand.
With God’s help, he believes Epic Christianity has the potential to empower a whole generation of Christians to discover their unique calling and purpose, develop a vision for their life, and create the plans and take the actions needed to make the most of the one life God has given and entrusted each of us to live.
“It is my hope that through writing, encouraging and building others up, I will be able to empower the Body of Christ and build great relationships with Epic Christians all around the world and together we can impact the world in a way that has never been seen before in history” Jamie Mailhot
Get your own copy
What are you waiting for? Get your own copy now from Amazon.
ABOUT THE CONTENT – All content on this website is copyrighted and you can read more about this here. Please also read the disclaimer about my authority and qualifications. Occasionally I partner with people because I like their products and you can read about that here.
ABOUT SCRIPTURE CARDS – If you want to send free Scripture Cards to your friends click here and you want to buy hard copies of Scripture Cards you can click here.
MY BOOKS AND A FREE VIDEO COURSE – To download a copy of MY STORY OF SURVIVAL click here. For a copy of MIMI’S BOOK LAUNCH PLAN, click here. For a copy of GOD HEALED ME click here. For a copy of THE HOLY GRAIL OF BOOK LAUNCHING click here. For a free video course on how to write a bestseller, click here. To join my launch partyclick here.
NEW BOOKS RELEASES, INTERVIEWS, AND REVIEWS – As a member of the Australian Christian Readers Blog Alliance and as a member of the Christian Indie Authors Reading Group and as the current Administrator of Christian Authors Worldwide, This is FUN! Mimi’s Launch Party and co-administrator of OMEGA nonfiction writers I share new book releases, interviews and reviews with my readers. Stay tuned!
Maidless in Singapore: How a mom of four harnessed the transformative power of trial to thrive… A True Story.
Written by June Lim.
Ever dreamt of how your journey as a new wife and mom is going to turn out when the baby arrives? When a new season descends, how do we transition into the unfamiliar with grace and grit?
What would you do when your perfect plans falls apart? How do you handle the uncertainty of change when it suddenly hits you?
When the ground of familiarity cracks up beneath us, how do we continue to stand firm in faith and find hope in the midst of confusion? Like a grateful shipwrecked survivor, June managed to swim up to the shore of triumphs, overcoming the rough seas of that many highly ‘transitional’ pain of change. Before getting there, God in His loving mercy had to confront the many false and self-limiting beliefs that she didn’t know existed in her head…until that sudden change unravelled it.
Through Maidless in Singapore, you will discover that trials are the perfect opportunities that God can use to mould and perfect us into the image of His likeness.
Practical tips
Learn how the transformative process of change helped this Christian mom of four eliminate self-limiting beliefs to overcome the mountainous heaps of chores, parenting struggles, and even marital strife. Let this semi-autobiographical book, encourage you in your mothering journey, help you to create a thriving and fulfilling family life, with practical tips to transit you from helplessness to hopeful joy in your season of challenging changes!
A transformed life starts with a transformed mind.
A delightful read and wonderful gift idea for new moms.
Wonderful gift idea for new moms. A delightful read. Love it how the author finds strength in her faith as she raises her children and manages her life.
June Lim is an author and mom of four who lives with her family in Singapore.
Visit Amazon on October 23, 2016 for your FREE copy of Maidless in Singapore.
ABOUT THE CONTENT – All content on this website is copyrighted and you can read more about this here. Please also read the disclaimer about my authority and qualifications. Occasionally I partner with people because I like their products and you can read about that here.
ABOUT SCRIPTURE CARDS – If you want to send free Scripture Cards to your friends click here and you want to buy hard copies of Scripture Cards you can click here.
MY BOOKS AND A FREE VIDEO COURSE – To download a copy of MY STORY OF SURVIVAL click here. For a copy of MIMI’S BOOK LAUNCH PLAN, click here. For a copy of GOD HEALED ME click here. For a free video course on how to write a bestseller,click here.
NEW BOOKS RELEASES, INTERVIEWS, AND REVIEWS – As a member of the Australian Christian Readers Blog Alliance and as a member of the Christian Indie Authors Reading Group and as the current Administrator of Christian Authors Worldwide,This is FUN! Mimi’s Launch Party and co-administrator of OMEGA nonfiction writers I share new book releases, interviews and reviews with my readers. Stay tuned!
The Latter-day Morning
Create a Happier, More Successful, Spiritual Life Before Breakfast
written by Mark Bacera
What if, instead of hitting the snooze button, you started your day with energy, vision, success, and the Spirit?
Every day about 38% of all people hit the snooze button. But instead of snoozing, what if you devoted that time to growing yourself and your relationship with your Heavenly Father? Imagine how much better things would be.
Learn how to transform you life and create a healthier, happier, more successful, and more spiritual life by using a special morning routine just for you.
Mark says that people who have solid morning routines tend to be more successful in all areas of life- health, finance, relationships and so forth. I’ve studied the habits of some of the more successful people in life and indeed this is the one thing they all have in common: a solid morning routine. Bacera then backs up this assertion by quoting from various sources which state that successful people are simply those with successful habits. There are plenty quotes throughout the book from all sorts of famous and successful people; I like that!
It sounds so simple and yet, very few of us start with a solid morning routine or consciously practice cultivating successful habits. If you’ve tried before and failed you should get Mark’s book because he truly gives a 10-minute morning routine which you can start using today to change your life for the better. I love the fact that Mark starts his day connecting up with His Creator and how everything else flows from there.
Life is only sucky if you make it sucky. Growing up in the 30 miles by 4 miles island of Guam, it would have been easy for Mark to believe that he was trapped and never going anywhere. But, he made the most out of his early life by exploring jungles, surviving 100 mph typhoons, playing with snakes, swimming with frogs, and playing basketball in flip-flops.
Eventually, he found the opportunity to get off the island and served a 2-year mission for his church. Since then, Mark has developed a love of travel and seeing every inch of beautiful mother Earth.
In the course of his days, he has developed a belief in the importance of getting up early and putting self, God, and family first to create a perfect day.
Mark is married to his college sweetheart and now lives in the small town she grew up in in Japan. There, he teaches English in several places including the school that his wife used to attend.
When he’s not teaching in the classroom or writing, he enjoys reading, playing sports, tinkering around on the computer, learning languages, and playing with and teaching his daughter English. He also makes it a point in his writing and speaking to tell the world about how awesome life is and how to make it even better.
If you are interested in finding out more about Mark and reading his latest book, contact him at
You can download a copy of Mark’s book here.
ABOUT THIS BLOG – We’re researching the truth of living forever according to GOD’s Holy Word; Sola Scripture. Popular opinion tells us that everyone who ‘believes’ and has ‘faith’ will go to heaven. Is this true? I decided to ask the prophets about the truth of it all. To be one of the first people to receive a free kindle at my next book launch you can click here.
ABOUT THE CONTENT – All content on this website is copyrighted and you can read more about this here. Please also read the disclaimer about my authority and qualifications. Occasionally I partner with people because I like their products and you can read about that here.
ABOUT SCRIPTURE CARDS – If you want to send free Scripture Cards to your friends click here and you want to buy hard copies of Scripture Cards you can click here. To download a copy of my Story of Survival click here.
NEW BOOK RELEASES, INTERVIEWS AND REVIEWS – As a member of the Australian Christian Readers Blog Alliance, the Christian Indie Authors Reading Group, Christian Writers Downunder and as the current Administrator of Christian Authors Worldwide, I share new book releases, interviews and reviews with my readers. Stay tuned!
The Formula for Christian Self Esteem
This guide was written by James Thomson.
Many Christians struggle with the concept of self esteem. We wonder if it is consistent with our faith; is it prideful or is it a missing ingredient in being good stewards of ourselves? After years of wrestling with his sense of self-worth, the author allows a caring mentor to show him how to find a final answer to the question, “What is my true value?”
What Jim learns, The Formula, is at the heart of this very personal story of loss and recovery. Read along and learn for yourself the power and freedom that comes from knowing, once and for all time, your true worth.
In this book you will learn:
— The #1 infallible Key to a new self worth
— The best method to apply this essential truth to your life today
— The way to use the Key to erase the negatives in your life
— The process of using the Key to help you and your loved ones be happier, more confident, and more successful.
The Formula for Christian Self Esteem is a lesson, a journey, and an intimate sharing of a believer’s desire to know his Savior’s love and acceptance.
This book begins and ends with a prayer for your peace and happiness. Come follow along, learning how much God loves and value you.
Jim says that belonging as social creatures, we need to feel that we are a part of a group or groups. This is first addressed in our family. Later, we branch out into groups formed from peers and/or interests. He then addresses how all of those factors are important in our development.
I really like how Jim approaches the concept of self esteem. He gets to the bottom of it by breaking self esteem issues down in small parts and then he addresses each and every part thoroughly.
I started to read this book more or less on behalf of someone else to see how I could help this person along. What struck me when I was reading this book is that, as I was reading, I realised that I could use some help myself in the area of self esteem. It is obvious that Jim is an experienced counselor who has a good grasp on how to successfully resolve issues of low self esteem.
What grabbed me is his summation of what love is. ‘Love is more than an emotional reaction to another person. It is the summation of all the ways in which we act and react to one another.’ Amen to that. Really useful guide for anyone who struggles with self image issues.
James Thomson, M.A.,is a counselor in private practice in the Chicago area. Over the past thirty years he has worked with thousand of individuals, couples, and families to enrich their lives.
Both as a pastor and a counselor, Jim feels it is a privilege to help others. As a writer, he hopes to help even more people. He and his wife, Dr. Sally Thomson, decided several years ago to head for the country. An old farmhouse welcomed them home and life has been much more peaceful ever since.
To get your copy from Amazon click here with a FREE PROMO download offered on January 17, 18 and 19.
ABOUT THE CONTENT – All content on this website is copyrighted and you can read more about this here. Please also read the disclaimer about my authority and qualifications. Occasionally I partner with people because I like their products so much and you can read about that here.
ABOUT THIS BLOG – We’re researching the truth of living forever according to GOD’s Holy Word; Sola Scripture. Popular opinion tells us that everyone who ‘believes’ and has ‘faith’ will go to heaven. Is this true? I decided to ask the prophets about the truth of it all. To be one of the first people to receive a free kindle at my next book launch you can click here.
ABOUT SCRIPTURE CARDS – If you want to send free Scripture Cards to your friends click here and you want to buy hard copies of Scripture Cards you can click here. To download a copy of my Story of Survival click here.