
How Many Of Us Get To Go To Heaven?

Who is it that gets to live forever? Do we even want to live forever? A little while ago Daily Post’s Scott Berkun posed exactly that question, ‘Do you want to live forever?’ and received widely varied responses.

Did you know that Americans Stand a Better Chance To Get to Heaven?

First of all you need to know that Americans stand a better chance than others to get into heaven, it is a mathematical fact and you can read more about that here.

Only Two People Entered the Promised Land

Secondly you need to know that out of the whole Hebrew nation, which 3500 years ago was around one million people, only two out of one million got to enter the promised land. After a long forty year journey through the wilderness, only two.

Why Only Two Out Of A Million?

Why was this? Because these were the only two that obeyed God. Yep. That’s what the bible tells us. Even Moses was not allowed to enter the promised land. Who were the two that were allowed to enter the promised land?

Caleb and Joshua. It is good to keep in mind that the Jewish people are meticulous record keepers. And there you have it, Caleb the son of Jephunneh and Joshua the son of Nun were the only two out of the original tribe which entered the promised land because they were the only two that followed God.

Many seek to enter in.

Many Seek To Enter In. Most people I know expect to go to heaven, just because … They have faith and all that. They reckon they’ll be fine.

This doesn’t correlate with what the Good Book tells us. The bible tells us that two were kicked out of paradise for not obeying God and two out of around one million entered into the promised land because they were the only two who obeyed God.

What are your chances that you’ll end up in heaven?

So, what are your chances that you’ll end up in heaven? Unless you’re an American … the bible tells us that only two out of a nation of around one million people entered the promised land.

Reading the above made me wonder what the parameters are.


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Where does the concept of Living For Ever come from?

Around six thousand years ago humanity mucked up big time. Man and wife were enjoying all the perks of paradise when the wife was seduced and tricked by a snake. Her hubby took her word for it, instead of obeying the authority. Both of them busily pointing the finger instead of owning up.

Long story short; thanks guys for all of that, because it meant that humanity was kicked out of the garden. As an aside, it probably wasn’t an apple, more likely a fig that the couple thought irresistible enough to lose paradise over. Yep, just a bite out of a bit of food and they were out on their bum.

Curses and all and out they went

God was clear enough about it; curses and all, and out they went. Guards with flaming swords were put in place to keep away all of those who can’t keep their hands to themselves. To keep out those who blame others for their misfortune. To keep out those who cannot control their primitive urges and those who believe and follow creeps and snake oil merchants over authorities. To keep out those who don’t appreciate their good fortune but instead take what is not theirs to take and entice others to do the same. To keep out those who do not uphold standards but instead take the easy way out and join the disobedient. To keep out those who don’t heed warnings of deadly dangers (sins). I guess you’re getting the drift.

Adam and Eve got the drift too, driven right out of paradise they were.

And the Lord God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever:
Therefore the Lord God sent him forth from the garden of Eden, to till the ground from whence he was taken. So he drove out the man; and he placed at the east of the garden of Eden Cherubims, and a flaming sword which turned every way, to keep the way of the tree of life.

The above scripture quote is from the first three chapters of the bible. All things considered, humanity did not start out that well. It looked like we were going to be just fine as long as we obeyed and did no sneaky things. It was not to be. A sweet forbidden taste was all it took for the couple to forfeit paradise and be prevented from living for ever.


Adam called his wife the Mother of All Living and we sang a song about it which you can watch here.

The song Mother of All Living by People is Grass lives at itunes.