The Latter-day Morning


The Latter-day Morning

Create a Happier, More Successful, Spiritual Life Before Breakfast

written by Mark Bacera


What if, instead of hitting the snooze button, you started your day with energy, vision, success, and the Spirit?

Rejoice and be glad Psalm 118:24Every day about 38% of all people hit the snooze button. But instead of snoozing, what if you devoted that time to growing yourself and your relationship with your Heavenly Father? Imagine how much better things would be.

Learn how to transform you life and create a healthier, happier, more successful, and more spiritual life by using a special morning routine just for you.


Mark says that people who have solid morning routines tend to be more successful in all areas of life- health, finance, relationships and so forth. I’ve studied the habits of some of the more successful people in life and indeed this is the one thing they all have in common: a solid morning routine. Bacera then backs up this assertion by quoting from various sources which state that successful people are simply those with successful habits. There are plenty quotes throughout the book from all sorts of famous and successful people; I like that!

It sounds so simple and yet, very few of us start with a solid morning routine or consciously practice cultivating successful habits. If you’ve tried before and failed you should get Mark’s book because he truly gives a 10-minute morning routine which you can start using today to change your life for the better. I love the fact that Mark starts his day connecting up with His Creator and how everything else flows from there.

More reviews.


Life is only sucky if you make it sucky. Growing up in the 30 miles by 4 miles island of Guam, it would have been easy for Mark to believe that he was trapped and never going anywhere. But, he made the most out of his early life by exploring jungles, surviving 100 mph typhoons, playing with snakes, swimming with frogs, and playing basketball in flip-flops.

Eventually, he found the opportunity to get off the island and served a 2-year mission for his church. Since then, Mark has developed a love of travel and seeing every inch of beautiful mother Earth.

In the course of his days, he has developed a belief in the importance of getting up early and putting self, God, and family first to create a perfect day.

Mark is married to his college sweetheart and now lives in the small town she grew up in in Japan. There, he teaches English in several places including the school that his wife used to attend.

When he’s not teaching in the classroom or writing, he enjoys reading, playing sports, tinkering around on the computer, learning languages, and playing with and teaching his daughter English. He also makes it a point in his writing and speaking to tell the world about how awesome life is and how to make it even better.

If you are interested in finding out more about Mark and reading his latest book, contact him at

You can download a copy of Mark’s book here.


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