
Previous posts summarised

This blog is about living forever and before I continue I will recap what the previous posts were all about.

 Explanation of the concept of living forever

It is with Adam and Eve that the concept of living forever was explained to humanity. Adam and Eve taught us that disobedience to our maker gets us in big trouble, so much so that they were both thrown out of the garden of Eden as a result of their disobedience.

Obedience brings blessings

God gave Sarah and Abraham a son in their old age and this made both of them laugh. Abraham was blessed because he obeyed God. The same with Noah and Joshua and Caleb.

 How to obtain ongoing happiness

How to obtain ongoing happiness is linked with living forever because it is in the giving and in the losing, not in the getting nor obtaining in this world, that happiness and eternal life are achieved. This is also addressed on my page God Hath Made Me To Laugh! There are some great links on this page with regards to happiness.

 The greeting of living forever

The greeting of Living Forever is a royal one and I pray for all my readers to be living forever.

 Americans stand a better chance to get to heaven

Beats me, why Americans stand a better chance to get to heaven, but it appears to be, at least, mathematically correct.

 Never ever give up! 

The never ever give up address is one of my favourite talks given by Naval Admiral William H. McRaven at the University of Texas at Austin. I believe that, to achieve anything in life that’s worth achieving, we’ll need to apply the tenacity spoken about by the Admiral. I’ve fought for my life and begged for my life to be restored to me and God is good and is answering my prayers and I’m so stoked that I want you all to know about it and laugh with me.

 Thank you and dedication

The thank you and dedication post as well as the, Why A Blog On Living Forever? posts explains who I am talking to about living forever and you’re very welcome to listen in.

 Our baptism

Our baptism story relays our attempts to get baptised and what Jesus says about being born again.

 Is there a church heaven?

If there is a church heaven then people who hang out with their church buddies may already be living in paradise and the rest of us will just have to figure out what the go is for us. According to scripture, obedience to God is closely related to living forever.

 The LORD bless thee

Who are the children of Israel? According to the bible, the children of Israel are those who consciously choose to align themselves with the Creator of heaven and earth. Those who purposely and deliberately choose to follow his guidelines are considered blessed.

 Is it possible to live forever?

The Samaritan story as told in the bible and relayed in the post, Is it possible to live forever? tells us in clear language that eternal life, according to Jesus, is linked with God’s Law and love and we’ll get into more detail about that later.

I thought it was a little angel

My story, I Thought It Was a Little Angel, talks about one of my personal experiences with depression and I learned from that episode in my life that despite our very best efforts, society hasn’t really got a handle on illnesses such as depression. Sometimes society’s methods works and often they don’t. God’s method has proven to be foolproof for my family and myself.

The funniest religious joke of all time

The story which has been voted the funniest religious joke of all times highlights the hypocrisy of religious people when it comes to loving each other.

 Jonah goes to Nineveh

Jonah’s story shows us that God cares about those who do their own thing as much as He cares about those who profess to follow Him. That is exactly what made Jonah so mad, the fact that God is merciful to all and not just to the religious few.

all rights reserved copyright myemmanuel 2014

0 Responses

  1. […] for ever’ in the bible. Click here to read all the posts on living forever. And click here and here and here to read summaries on the posts about living […]

  2. […] recapped the posts on this subject twice. One on the twelfth of September and the other time on June twenty-fifth of this year. This is the third post where I am recapping all the posts on this subject. If you want to see all […]

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